Returning to Work: Face Coverings and Waste Disposal in the Age of COVID-19?
On Sunday 10 May, Prime Minister Boris Johnson
addressed the nation to detail what he described as “a road map for reopening
society” (2020). Within this address, Johnson emphasised that those who were
unable to work from home, such as construction workers “should be actively
encouraged to go to work” whilst also encouraging people, where possible, to
avoid public transport, or wear a face covering while on trains or buses.However, while those who couldn’t work from home
returned to their
2nd Jun 2020
Unprepared and Unprotected: The Global Struggle to Combat Covid-19
In 2015, Bill Gates, presented
a TED Talk on the implications of a global unpreparedness for the
next pandemic. During the talk he stated
“The failure to prepare could allow the next epidemic to be
dramatically more devastating then Ebola” (2015). However, Gates’
warning of a lack of preparedness is not new. For decades, science
journalism and popular science literature has been littered with
articles and publications that warn of the dangers posed by a global
Writing fo
16th Apr 2020